We intend to demonstrate a miniature model of modern and developed India through the development of necessary human strength by practicing fundamental / core values and development of physical, vital, emotional, mental, and spiritual strength, through the panch Kosh developmental education process. Thereby empower students to acquire, demonstrate, articulate and value knowledge & skills that will support them. This will form a healthy, harmonious, and sustainable society through the protection and enhancement of nature and natural resources. Naturally, it will inculcate old but sustainable values of Indian Culture.


Is to enable all learners’, access to learning aids, Infrastructure and facilities through the provision of- excellent library, practical learning programs aligned to year-level contents of the curriculum. Access to Superb Indian Culture and its heritage through Ancient literature, Perseverence & Conducive Atmosphere coupled with Most Contemporary Modern Techniques for their upbringing. Highly effective and dedicated teachers, focusing on improving students’ outcomes, through their commitment to ongoing professional development, quality teaching, evidence-based practices, coaching, and mentoring. Capturing quality and value-based inclusive learning Providing, enriching & engaging resources required.


PAN Card Received

03 April 2009

Trust Registered under Society Registration Act 1860

06 November 2009

Trust Regisered under Bombay Public Trust Act 1950 by Asstt Charity Commissioner

18 May 2011

80 G Certificate Received.

28 September 2012

12 AA Certificate Granted.

28 September 2012

School Land Lease Agreement

13 January 2019

Sahakarya Melaavaa

03 March 2019

School Inauguration

09 June 2019

School - Omkar Rashtradev Vidyalay - Waghapur Started.

01 July 2019

First Independence Day and Tree Plantation Drive.

15 August 2019

Two Days Workshop for Primary Teachers at Abhyankar Kanyaa Shala Organised by LaxmiPrabhakarSut Charitable Foundation.

17-18 November 2019

Inauguration of Omkar Rashtradev Sarvajanik Granthalay

03 February 2020

Inauguration of Website

13 April 2021


Sou. Pranita A Joshi

Asstt. Teacher

Smt Shirish Pande


Ms Pooja Gawande

Asstt. Teacher